
Summer Infant 3D Flip Convenience Stroller: A Macaroni Review

February 26, 2015
Summer Infant 3D Flip Convenience Stroller

I have to admit that when the Summer Infant 3D Flip Convenience Stroller arrived, it was my intention to gift it away at our Macaroni Kid Baby Brunch. My youngest is 2, doesn’t use a stroller often and it felt right to give it to a mom with smaller babes and a growing family. It arrived just prior to our leaving on a family vacation and it sat boxed until a few days after our return. 
We brought a small collapsible stroller on our trip. It moved slowly, wheels twisting in the wrong direction and the handles too low for comfort. After unpacking and assembling the Summer Infant 3D Flip Convenience Stroller, it slowly became ours. The fact that it so easily converts from rear facing to front facing is amazing. I love to take Gaven for walks but it is difficult to engage when you cannot see his face - this stroller solves that problem in a snap. Sometimes, the purpose of a walk is to put him to sleep and then I want him facing front so he zones out — so simple to flip it around. The 3D Flip Convenience Stroller glides. With all of this snow, I haven’t tested it yet, but I feel certain it will hold up well for a jog. 
The features include:
-A unique reversible seat design that allows baby to face you or face away from you
-Durable, stylish lightweight aluminum frame with large seat area and 5-point safety harness
-One hand, 8-position recline (4 rear facing, 4 forward facing) and infant head support
-Oversized one hand-adjustable canopy with peek-a-boo window (LOVE that this provides so much sun protection)
-Rear storage pocket and parent cup holder
-Compact fold with auto lock and carry strap (LOVE the carry strap so awesome for when you are traveling)
-Smooth glide, anti shock front wheels
-Toe tapping rear wheel locks
The Summer Infant 3D Flip Convenience Stroller is available at major retailer where juvenile products are sold. For additional information, visit  The suggested retail price is $129.99 - Save 20% with code Macaroni20 on (expires 5/1/15)

I received complimentary products for the purpose of this review.  All thoughts and opinions expressed are abolutely my own.